An eventful day on the Alps

Yesterday we started out the day with a 9 hour hike and a challenging climb ahead of us.  We decided NOT to take the extra leg (adding an hour +) to a viewpoint that was deemed the most beautiful place in the Alps. I mean how much more beautiful can it get.  Already physically exhausted, tattered and torn from the day before we started our trek. The part you have to keep in mind is once you start out, time is of the essence. You really have nowhere to go but over the mountain and to the next village. As we start to descend from the pass, the trail became vague and split off with the snow obscuring the trail. We kept going but skeptical as to which path we should be on. Hours go by and finally we stumble upon ...the most beautiful view point in the Alps...whoops!  My point is that we got lost and ended up in the most beautiful place in all the Alps.  Yes, it added time to our day and I suffered a mild ankle sprain and fell a few times due to fatigue but we had a savior in our path. He was a local and helped us down off the mountain in which I would not have made it in a timely manner. As you view the video he is the one in the cable car with us and you can see how much further we needed to go to get to the town. He also drove us to our hotel.  I will be sending him a huge thanks when I return home. 

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