
First things first!  Money! I needed to save every dollar and dime I could get my hands on- especially if I were going to be unemployed when I got back.  So I amped-up my hours at work, volunteered for my co-worker's Saturdays, got a 2nd job and cut a few things out in life.  My car being the biggest sacrifice and the largest cost savings opportunity.  As crazy as it sounds, I still needed transportation so I bought myself a Vespa.  Yep, with  80 miles-per-gallon cost savings....  I was going to save my sweet little Italian scooter ass off.

It was all fun and games until it rained or I had to pick up a bag of dog food, pizza or get an animal to the Vet. I drove that thing in the cold, rain, monsoons, sweltering heat and through large bug masses.  Even a few encounters with coyotes. I was saving hell or high water for this trip.  I did get help from my family too.  My Mom and Dad let me use their car on occasions, so without them, my experiences would have been more ominous than stated above.  Thanks Mom and Dad :).  I was just bummed I didn't have any cassette tapes to play in the car while I drove in luxury.  Joe was amazing too and picked up the slack in the household.  He was the mastermind in the details of the trip and worked diligently behind the scene while I turned tricks on the corner to earn a dollar  #garage sale.

My dedication, lost time with my beau, family and missed cocktail hours with friends paid off.  I managed to save well past my target goal and I was ready to start the next step in conquering a life long dream.

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