Eurotrip Itinerary

Here is the infamous backpacking trip itinerary!  I owe this all to Joe's extensive and fervent research. He has spent months on this trip planning it right down to the tea and crumpets.  He is a walking "google" and holds a vast knowledge of every country and site will we see.   I couldn't image going with anyone else!  It will be an amazing learning experience for the both of us. As with anything you plan, there will always be glitches and that's part of the adventure.  We will miss a train, lose something, get lost, or something will go awry but those will be the stories to tell for years to come.

Day#     Location                 Notes 
1                   Athens                                                                                                             
2                   Athens                         Sight Seeing                                                             
3                   Athens                         Sight Seeing
4                   Athens                         Full Day Ancient Delphi and Thermopylae           
5                   Santorini                      Ferry From Piraeus to Santorini 9am                       
6                   Santorini                      Sight See Black Beach
7                   Santorini                      Sight See Red Beach
8                   Rome                           Ferry From Santorini and Flight To Rome
9                   Rome                           Sight Seeing
10                 Rome                           Sight Seeing
11                 Rome                           Day Trip To Pompeii
12                 Florence                       Train From Rome                                
13                 Florence                       Sight Seeing
14                 Florence                       Rent Scooters for Tour Of Country Side
15                 Pisa                              Scooter to Pisa
16                 Cinque Terre                Train From Florence-Hike Portovenere-Riomaggiore
17                 Cinque Terre                Hike Riomaggiore-Manarola-Corniglia                   
18                 Cinque Terre                Hike Corniglia-Vernazza-Monterosso    
19                  Italian Riviera               Hike Monterosso-Levanto-Deiva Marina                                
20                  Italian Riviera               Hike Santa Margherita-Genoa                                      
21                  Venice                          Genoa-Train To Venice
22                  Venice                          Canal Ride to Marks Square and Dinner
23                  Chamonix                     Train From Venice To Chamonix
24                  Chamonix                     Sight Seeing and Pack For Hike 
25-37             Hike Alps                     Walkers Haute Route Chamonix to Zermatt
38                  Zermatt                         Recover Day
39                  Zermatt                         Train to Milan                                                                               
40                  Milan                            Shopping   (Hell Yeah)                                                                          
41                  Nice                              Relax on Beach                                                                            
42                  Barcelona                      Flight To Barcelona                                                               
43                  Barcelona                      Meeting up with our closest friends that decided to be crazy enough to fly into Spain and join us for a week.   Love you guys for doing this with us.  And thanks in advance for muling our stuff.                           

44                  Montserrat                     Touring with Friends      
45                  French Riviera               Hike or Drive the Cost (come on Shelly, you can hike it)                                         
46                  French Rivieia               Drive the cost and be in Pamplona By Dinner Time
47                  Pamplona                       Running wtih the Bulls Drive to San Sebastian                                                                                                                                                                                                
48                  Amsterdam                     indulge in the local cuisine and accouterments                                                                                        
49                  Amsterdam                     Bike Tour
50                  Amsterdam                     Sight Seeing Country Side                                                 
51                  Paris                               Train to Paris                                                                            
52                  Paris                               Bike Tour
53                  Paris                               Sight Seeing Country Side                                                                                     
xx                                                        Extra Time Built in as needed

Example's of what we will see and possible "tighty whitie sightings...


Greece, Santorini

Cinque Terre - Italian Riviera

King Leonidas




Pisa, Italy



Running with the Bulls

Swiss Alps
National Archaeological Museum - Athens


Red Beach
Aphrodite and Pan


  1. I am astounded and so happy Joe and you are doing this... So upon return, you will be able to pronounce (with full accent) all of these places, right?; Love you, Mom

  2. Wow! Long Trip! Be safe and have a great time. Don't get mad at each other and drink lots of Water! <<<<<<Didn't know what else to say!

    Brian Lundin

  3. I have been following you on your journey and so excited to see the world through your eyes!

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