How to Backpack Through Europe

I get quite a few baffling looks when I tell people I'm quitting my job to backpack Europe. #rightfullyso  It's traditionally done by college kids when they graduate with that golden ticket degree.  It serves as a right of passage into adulthood and that last stretch of freedom before they enter the land of the working for the next 40 years.  I didn't have that luxury.   What makes this endeavor more monumental for me is the fact I'll have a few extra dollars in my pocket and years of worldly experience and knowledge to really appreciate it.  I want to think of it as an "intermission" in life and a chance to run wild.  I'm not a spring chicken anymore so I need to get the physically demanding bucket list items out of the way now.

The question I get asked the most often after the "midlife crises" one, is how does one plan a trip like this? Where do you start?  How do you pack?  Why did Beyonce's sister attack Jay-Z in the elevator?  My best answer is this simple article I found on wikihow.  I've put my own touches on it but it gives you a basic idea.  Always feel free to shoot me a question or a suggestion if you so desire.

One misconception I want to clarify is that we don't actually "backpack" in the wilderness the entire time and live off the land like some shamanistic tribe.  We will take trains, taxi's and planes to cities and stay in regular hotels from time to time. I'll actually shower in a five star resort while fumigating my belongings from the hostel I stayed the night before. It will have it's urban and rural experiences from luxury to roughing it out on the Alps.

Edited by Lois Wade, Martyn P, omniomi, Jkgulley, Geri Davis and others  (From an outside source)

Backpacking through Europe is something that many people dream about but never actually do.  Though it may seem intimidated, planning a "Eurotrip" is relatively easy, especially with modern technology and all of the travel guides we have today

  1. Backpack Through Europe Step 1.jpg
    Commit to your backpacking decision and start saving money right away.   You won't have an exact budget yet, but airfare alone will    probably be in the range of $900 to $1600 if you live in the U.S.

  2. Backpack Through Europe Step 2.jpg
    Get a passport if you don't already have one!  ~$135.00
  3. Backpack Through Europe Step 3.jpg
    Decide where you want to go. This is the hardest part of the planning process. Most people have a limited amount of time to travel, so focusing on your top desires is key. Make a "must-see" list - this can be cities, countries, specific monuments, open-air markets, whatever! Arrange them in a top-ten list.
  4. Backpack Through Europe Step 4.jpg
    Map out the most reasonable travel plan. Using Google Maps, plot all of your desired locations on a map and figure out a route.
  5. Backpack Through Europe Step 5.jpg
    Figure out how much time you want to spend in each place. This may depend on your budget, but for now list the minimum number of days it would take to really see your destinations. For example, one day in a major capital like Madrid or Paris would be a shame.
  6. Backpack Through Europe Step 6.jpg
    Choose a mode of travel. Traditionally, the most reasonable option for transportation was by rail (also known as the train) - this goes for the majority of Europe, though buses are used in smaller towns. However, in recent years, the proliferation of budget airlines like RyanAir, EasyJet, and BMIbaby have made air travel as--if not more--affordable than rail. If you look patiently, most of these airlines offer flight deals that can be as cheap as literally 1 euro (although that is somewhat rare). Most flight deals, if you look around and flexible on destinations tend to run closer to 25-30 euro each way. Still, the Eurail/Interail Pass is an excellent deal, and you can alter its terms to fit your trip. I went to over 10 countries in a month-long period, so a consecutive 30-day pass worked wonders for me; most of the time it even included small, local trains. The best part about the Eurail Pass is that you pretty much pay all of your transportation expenses up front - it's something less to worry about while traveling. Nevertheless, it's important to check the policies of the national rail systems you plan to travel on. Some countries, Italy for example, require seat reservations for most trains, and you must purchase these, albeit at a discount as a Eurail/Interail Pass Holder. In general, these fees range from 5-15 euro, but they can be higher or lower depending on the nature of the trip.
  7. Backpack Through Europe Step 7.jpg
    Get your budget in order by adding up the price of your budget airfare and/or Eurail Pass and the prices of your main attractions (most of which can be found online), and begin to search for accommodation in the cities you'll be visiting. You could just book hotels, but if you're on a tight budget (like most), staying in hostels is your best bet. Hostels are NOT a bad thing! As long as you review the ratings (there are tons of hostel booking sites) and use common sense, you will be fine! Many of the hostels I've stayed in are just as nice as hotels - and the atmosphere is better! Hostels usually run a little under 20 euros a night. Another option is "couchsurfing," which basically means staying at someone's home. Again, it seems sketchy, but there are verification processes, reviews, and you have your common sense! As a young female, I tend to stay only with females or families - just to be on the safe side. Not only is it free, it is a wonderful way to experience the city you're staying in; most of the time my hosts show me around and take me to the non-touristy parts.
  8. Backpack Through Europe Step 8.jpg
    Now that you have your schedule sketched out, buy your plane tickets! Make sure you check several sites before you buy. Try flexible dates and surrounding airports to make it even cheaper. ~$1200 -$1600
  9. Backpack Through Europe Step 9.jpg
    Search travel packing lists on the web and adjust according to where you're going. Take only a backpack, and make it as light as possible - you'll be carrying it most of the time if you plan on moving around a lot. Remember that you can always buy stuff when you get there...Europe has thin towels that are great for traveling, and toiletries are pretty much the same there as anywhere else! Above all, get a good backpack and make sure it's comfortable.
  10. Backpack Through Europe Step 10.jpg
    You're ready to go! Make sure you have all important documents, know how to get money when you need it, and have a way of contacting someone back home if you need to (phone cards are decent, and most cities have cheap internet cafes). Bon voyage!

    Tighty Whities!  Don't forget those!!!!

  • You'll be dealing with different languages, so learning a few phrases or picking up a slim phrase book wouldn't hurt, especially if you're visiting more out-of-the-way spots.
  • Bring extra batteries/memory for your camera, and figure out how to charge may need an adapter (just go to an electronics store and ask). Most trains actually have outlets either near the seats or in the bathroom.
  • Find out some of the important laws. Just because you're visiting doesn't mean you can't get into trouble.
  • If you are traveling with a partner or partners, each partner should make a top-ten "must-see" list without the influence of other people! Then, negotiate using your top three or top five.
  • If you are a student or under 26, take advantage of discounts! Make sure you bring a school ID. Also, the International Student Insurance Card (ISIC) offers travel insurance, discounts all over the world, and a cheap calling card, all for around $22!  
  • When in Amsterdam....
  • Learn from others' experiences

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