Delphi- Mt. Parnassus

I'm finding that Greece is very accommodating to Americans and most of them speak English.  Everything pretty much has a translation for us spoiled Americans.  The only time we had a problem was when we ordered chicken kebabs and they gave us gyros. I guess they think that's all we know how to order.  Oh well, when in Greece, right.  (I can't wait to use that in Rome) I am overwhelmed and kind of ashamed that most of the countries that we will go into will have a second language in English and I can't speak a lick of anything else.  I had full intentions to learn a few key phrases in each language but I really sucked at it.  I just downloaded a google translator on my iPad and called it good. It was a great idea until I realized if they responded, I would have no idea how to spell anything in Greek to translated back. I'll just smile and nod.  

As far as the Euro goes, it just looks ridiculous to me. Maybe because I had to pay $1.36 for an exchange rate because our dollar isn't worth a damn right now. My dollar wasn't going far on this trip. And to add extra coinage to your currency is just a pain in the ass. They have a coin for, 2€, 1€, .50, .20, .5,. 2, .1. Who has time to dig in the bottom of their purse for that.   I hate dealing with the 4 main coins we have. But really a .2€(two cent coin)? Gah, Spoiled American I am indeed.  I will skip the part where they use a comma instead of a decimal. #so confusing.
 Here are some pictures from Delphi, Greece.  Loved, loved this city!

On the way to hotel Pan

European Duck face with Pole

Our little hotel in Delphi. Pan Hotel 

Hello? Can you get your ass down here to check us in.


Our view outside our balcony

                                                   Backpack weight -28lbs 

View outside our balcony. Aegean Sea

Balcony view

Our hotel key


                                                                Entrance into Delphi

The Dephi Stadium at the Temple Of Apollo

Trail on Mt. Parnassus

Aegean Sea

The observatory on Mt. Parnassus

                                  The Tighty Whities shot on Mt. Parnassus as promised


                                                   Goats on the trail. So stinkin' cute!

The guy in charge of the goats

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