St. Giovanni and St Peter's Bascilla (The Vatican)

Most of the photos are of the Vatican, St Peter's but St Giovanni is mixed in.  Sorry for the confusion. 

It was so fascinated to see so many monks, nuns, priests and numerous
religious saints running around on the street.

It only took 2hrs to find this place to get our Euro Pass but it was worth it. I needed to walk off all those pastries anyway. This pass saved us HOURS of waiting in line at various
 sites, unlimited buss tours and so much more. A Euro pass is a MUST when you visit Rome! Unless you have unlimited funds and want to wait in long ass lines. e.g. The wait for the Vatican was -3hrs and 20mins.  We waited -15mins due to the pass.  If you come to Rome....Get One!!!!!!

St. Giovanni (St Johns) part of the reason it took so long to find our euro pass was that we were looking for St. John's and didn't know St Giovanni was the same. Learn some Italian before you get here. Seriously! The Italians don't speak as good of English as they did in Greece. 

St Giovanni

St Peters Bascilla 

Statue of John the Baptist (I know him well, thanks to my mom amd the knock knock joke) 

They don't use real candles anymore

The Vatican, St. Peter's

Outside the Vatican

The original seat of the Pope

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